>>.... Mobile Spawn Algorithm.... Header File


>>.... Mobile Spawn Algorithm... CPP File

// Simnply Spawns an object in the game world for a simple mobile game.						  -
// This was the verticle slice build to test some other systems for the game concept.		    	          -
// Nicholas Mallonee								                                  -
#pragma once

// Includes and Libraries																		  -
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "Code_Base/Orbs/Orb.h"
#include "Runtime/Engine/Public/TimerManager.h"
#include "Spawner.generated.h"

// Spawner States	-- Enum																				  -
enum class ESpawnerState : uint8

// Spawner Struct                                                                                                 -
struct FSpawnerInformation

	// -- Private -- Struct information 
	ESpawnerState state;

	TArray lastUsedLocations;

	int32 spawnCount;

	// -- Public -- Accessors, Mutators, Other methods, and constuctor
	 * Takes a state to change the spawner to
	 * @Param  The state that the spawner should be changed to
	void setState(ESpawnerState inState)
		state = inState;
	 * Adds a Vector to the struct's array 
	 * @Param The Vector in which to add to the array	
	void addLocation(FVector loc)
		if (lastUsedLocations.Num() > 10)

	 * Changes the number of Spawn Count
	 * @Param Number to change the spawn count to 
	void setSpawnCount(int32 in)
		spawnCount = in;

	 * Returns the state of the spawners behavior
	 * @Return the current state of the spawner
	ESpawnerState getState()
		return state;

	 * @Param Takes in a position to return 
	 * @Return The Vector at a given Position	
	FVector getLocation(int32 pos)
		return lastUsedLocations[pos];	
	 * Returns the current count of how many times a spawn method has been called
	 * Since the last time it switched.
	 * @Return the int32 value of many times a metod was called 	
	int32 getCount()
		return spawnCount;	

	 * Returns the array's logical size 
	 * @Returns the arrays size + 1
	int32 getArraySize()
		return lastUsedLocations.Num();

	 * Checks for an exact x in the array using a linear search 
	 * Note: This Method was never used and was later removed.  
	 * @Returns If an X was found
	bool isXInArray(float x)
		bool flag = false;			

		return flag;

	 * Destroyes the objects to Gives the Memory back to the system	  
	void destroy()

	// -- Default Constructor
		state = ESpawnerState::Random;
		spawnCount = 0;

// Spawner Class Information																					  -
class BERYL_API ASpawner : public AActor

	// -- Public Information -- Constructor and Engine Events -- // 

	virtual void BeginPlay() override;
	virtual void Tick( float DeltaSeconds ) override;

	virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override;

	// -- Private Information -- Spawning Methods -- // 
	void determineSpawnPath();				

	void spawnInRandomSpot();

	void spawnUsingGeneratedX(float inX);

	// -- Private Information -- Number Generation and Check -- // 
	bool canUseX(float inX);

	float generateNewRandomX();

	float generateTrailX();

	float generateEveryOther();

	// -- Private Information -- Orbs to Spawn -- // 
	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Basic Orb")
	TSubclassOf basicOrb;

	// -- Private Information -- Spawner Information Struct -- //
	FSpawnerInformation spawnerInformation; 	

	// -- Private Information -- Timers -- // 
	FTimerManager spawnTimer; 

	FTimerHandle spawnTimerHandler; 

// Simnply Spawns an object in the game world for a simple mobile game.                                           -
// This was the verticle slice build to test some other systems for the game concept.                             -
// Nicholas Mallonee                                                                                              -

// Includes and Libraries                                                                                         -
#include "Beryl.h"
#include "Engine.h"
#include "Spawner.h"

// Constructors                                                                                                   -
    // Allow the actor to tick
    PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

// Engine Events -
void ASpawner::BeginPlay()

    // Set the handler
    GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(spawnTimerHandler, this, &ASpawner::determineSpawnPath, .15f, true);

void ASpawner::Tick( float DeltaTime )
    Super::Tick( DeltaTime );

void ASpawner::EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
    // destroy the array in the struct

    // Clear Any Timers that are live -- Old way, removed after 4.7
    //GetWorldTimerManager().ClearTimer(this, &ASpawner::spawnInRandomSpot);

    // Clear Any Timers that are live -- new way

    // If we wanted to clear all the timers. -- safe way to remove all
    //UWorld* const world = GetWorld();
    //if (world)
        // GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().ClearAllTimersForObject(this);

// Basic Spawn Methods                                                                                            -
void ASpawner::determineSpawnPath()
    // Check the current state
    if (spawnerInformation.getState() == ESpawnerState::Random)
        // Check the last time it was changed, if it is above 50 switch the state
       if (spawnerInformation.getCount() >= 50)
           int32 rand = FMath::RandRange(0, 10); // Random number to choose the weighted next state

           if (rand >= 0 && rand < 7) // 0 through 6
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Trail); // Change the state to trails
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

              // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
           else if (rand >= 7 && rand < 10)
              spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Random); // Change the state to random again
              spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

              // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
              spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::EveryOther); // Change the state to everyother
              spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

              // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn so we can go back around
       else // Else we know we can check and spawn an object
           float newX = generateNewRandomX(); // Generate a new X to use
           spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount((spawnerInformation.getCount() + 1)); // Add to the count
           spawnUsingGeneratedX(newX); // Spawn the new object
    else if (spawnerInformation.getState() == ESpawnerState::Trail)
        if (spawnerInformation.getCount() >= 5)
            int32 rand = FMath::RandRange(0, 10); // Random number to choose the weighted next state

            if (rand >= 0 && rand < 7) // 0 through 6
                spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Random); // Change the state to trails
                spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

                // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
            else if (rand >= 7 && rand < 10)
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Trail); // Change the state to random again
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

               // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::EveryOther); // Change the state to everyother
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

               // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn so we can go back around
            float newX = generateTrailX(); // Generate a new X to use

            spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount((spawnerInformation.getCount() + 1)); // Add to the count
            spawnUsingGeneratedX(newX); // Spawn the new object
   else if (spawnerInformation.getState() == ESpawnerState::EveryOther)
       if (spawnerInformation.getCount() >= 7)
           int32 rand = FMath::RandRange(0, 10); // Random number to choose the weighted next state

           if (rand >= 0 && rand < 7) // 0 through 6
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Random); // Change the state to trails
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

               // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
           else if (rand >= 7 && rand < 10)
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Trail); // Change the state to random again
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

               // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn
               spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::EveryOther); // Change the state to everyother
               spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

               // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn so we can go back around
           float newX = generateEveryOther(); // Generate a new X to use
           spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount((spawnerInformation.getCount() + 1)); // Add to the count
           spawnUsingGeneratedX(newX); // Spawn the new object
       spawnerInformation.setState(ESpawnerState::Random); // Change the state to trails
       spawnerInformation.setSpawnCount(0); // Set the spawn count back to 0

       // Ignore the check for spaces and quick generate a place to spawn

void ASpawner::spawnInRandomSpot()
    // Check for world and have it as a const
    UWorld* const world = GetWorld();

    // if the world exists try to spawn the object
    if (world)
        // Generate an X to use
        float x = FMath::RandRange(-270, 270);

        // generate to the left of the player
        FVector loc = FVector(0.f, x, 500.f);

        // set the spawn params
        FActorSpawnParameters spawnParams;
        spawnParams.Owner = this;
        spawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;

        // Spawn the actor
        GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AOrb>(basicOrb, loc, FRotator::ZeroRotator, spawnParams);

void ASpawner::spawnUsingGeneratedX(float inX)
    // Check for world and have it as a const
    UWorld* const world = GetWorld();

    // if the world exists try to spawn the object
    if (world)
        // Package the X into a vector
        FVector loc = FVector(0.f, inX, 500.f);

        // Save the packaged Vector

        // set the spawn params
        FActorSpawnParameters spawnParams;
        spawnParams.Owner = this;
        spawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;

        // Spawn the actor
        GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AOrb>(basicOrb, loc, FRotator::ZeroRotator, spawnParams);

// Basic Number Generation and checks                                                                             -
bool ASpawner::canUseX(float inX)
    if (spawnerInformation.getArraySize() > 5)
        if (spawnerInformation.isXInArray(inX)) // if the exact X was found return
            return false;
            return true;
        return true;

float ASpawner::generateNewRandomX()
    return FMath::RandRange(-270.f, 270.f);

float ASpawner::generateTrailX()
    // Get the last location and the X from that
    FVector last;

    float lastX = 0.f;
    if (spawnerInformation.getArraySize() >= 10)
        last = spawnerInformation.getLocation((9));
        lastX = last.X;
    else if (spawnerInformation.getArraySize() >= 1)
        last = spawnerInformation.getLocation((spawnerInformation.getArraySize() - 1));
        lastX = last.X;
        lastX = 0.f;

    if (lastX <= -260.f || lastX >= 260.f)
        if (lastX <= -260.f)
            lastX = lastX + 50.f;
        else if (lastX >= 260.f)
            lastX = lastX - 50.f;
        int32 rand = FMath::RandRange(0, 1);

        if (rand == 0)
            lastX = lastX - 40.f;
            lastX = lastX + 40.f;

    return lastX;

float ASpawner::generateEveryOther()
    // Get the last location and the X from that
    FVector last;

    float lastX = 0.f;

    if (spawnerInformation.getArraySize() >= 10)
        last = spawnerInformation.getLocation((9));
        lastX = last.X;
    else if (spawnerInformation.getArraySize() >= 1)
        last = spawnerInformation.getLocation((spawnerInformation.getArraySize() - 1));
        lastX = last.X;
        lastX = 150.f;

    if (lastX < 0.f && lastX != 0.f)
        lastX = lastX * (-1);
    else if (lastX > 0.f && lastX != 0.f)
        lastX = lastX * (-1);
        lastX = 150.f;

    return lastX;
