>>....Prediction AI...

-> This was a quick study on prediciting AI inside of c++ 14.

-> This Algorithm keeps track of players play, and attempts to select the best move to beat the player

-> This Study Can be downloaded in the Past Project

-> Contract me here for the code

>>....Mobile Game Spawning Algorithm....

-> This was a simple quick study  on mobile game spawning algorithms.

-> This Algorithm Keeps tracks of player skill and adjusts values to try to make the game more or less difficult based on the difficulty setting

-> This was also a case study on optimizing algorithms  for a mobile computing environment

-> This was later turned into Beryl( Past Project )

-> Contract me here for the code

>>....Real Time Learning AI inside of Unreal Engine....

-> This was a case study into learning AI for horror games. This was later turned into Caligo( Past Project )

-> This code uses a modified Mini-Max Algorithm to compute it's effectiveness in realtime based on feedback from the player

-> This AI was created to monitor an infinitely scalable play space

-> This AI uses input from either head tracking through oculus rift or through mouse input

-> The AI can change lighting, audio, or move objects in the game world

-> Contract me here for the code

>>....Procedural Generated Forest for a Static Height Map....

-> This was a case study into procedural generation on a artist defined height map

-> This code uses a series of line traces to produce the forest that is generated into the game world

-> The designer can edit values that are exposed through the blueprint system to allow for control over the generated forest

-> Contract me here for the code